The Unmaking (2014) - Amazon

Created in Unity, The Unmaking was in some ways a proof of concept to explore cloud rendering and streaming games with high visual quality to a tablet. I worked on this project as part of a small team of environment artists and was involved in modeling, texturing, level layout and lighting, as well as technical aspects such as performance optimization, sprite tuning and debugging physics destruction. The levels were created using a combination of WorldMachine and Maya, taking advantage of a stationary camera to employ tricks from classic stagecraft, and the unusual cloud rendering setup led to a number of unique and interesting technical challenges along the way. Click through for high-res on most images.

Other Projects - Amazon

While at Amazon, I worked on several other pitches and prototypes that never entered full production. The images below are from one of them, a "living comics" tactics game.

Project Spark - Gas Powered Games (for Microsoft)

While working at Gas Powered Games, we assisted an internal Microsoft team with early exploration on Project Spark, including exploratory asset creation, story exploration for a single player campaign, and deciphering some undocumented engine systems. The swirl seen in many of these images was a key visual theme outlined by the style guide.

Older Work - Gas Powered Games

Among the other projects I worked on at Gas Powered Games are Supreme Commander 1 and 2 (and expansions for both,) Demigod, Age of Empires online, and quite a few projects and prototypes that never made it to the public eye. Environment art was usually my primary role on these projects, though I also worked extensively with engineering to design pipelines and optimize

Personal Work

An assortment of projects done for education or fun!